Privacy Policy | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Privacy Policy


Your Privacy Rights

We want you to have a unique San Francisco experience and we also know and understand that you are a unique individual with a right to data privacy. We are committed to safeguarding any data you provide to us and want to empower you to make the right decision about the information you share with us. This privacy policy and terms of use statement is meant to clearly note the type of information that we gather, how we use and disclose that information, 以及我们为保护您的信息所采取的措施. 本隐私政策和使用条款声明上次更新于2019年11月.

The Highlights

In order to provide services to you, 我们可能会收集个人信息以有意义的方式提供这些服务. Here are just some of the ways we collect information, keep reading for more details:

  • When you interact with us in person, we may collect your account and contact information in order to respond to your inquiry.  
  • 如果你从我们或我们的合作伙伴那里买东西, we collect your contact information to ensure we can track and/or fulfill your order.
  • 当您填写表格或注册我们的时事通讯时, 我们收集必要的资料以满足您的要求.
  • When you visit the website, 社交媒体渠道和其他顺丰旅游数字平台, we collect information about you, your visit and your engagement.
  • 有时,我们可能会通过我们的合作伙伴之一收到您的数据. 我们保护这些数据的方式与您直接提供给我们的方式相同.

We only use your data in the way you intended and will ask for consent for any additional uses.

The Interactions

Site Traffic/Data

Our web servers automatically recognize site visitor traffic through the information that the browser you used makes available. 这些信息包括你的域名, 使用的设备类型和Internet浏览器, geographic location, the date and time of the site visit, duration of visit, pages access, and the referring page (the webpage that contained the link to our site that you clicked on to get there). We aggregate this information with other site visitors and use this information to measure performance, analyze user traffic patterns, and improve the overall website experience. 


We also use cookies on the website and in digital advertising (a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing) in order to provide a better user experience and customized advertisements, content and information. The use of cookies is a standard practice among Internet websites and most Internet web browsers. Through your computer settings, and through some Internet browsers, 您可以自定义您的用户体验来拒绝或删除cookie. 请注意,如果没有cookie,本网站的某些功能可能无法正常运行. 您可以通过访问了解更多关于cookie的信息

Interest Based Advertising

Interest based advertising is the collection of data from different sources and across different platforms in order to predict an individual’s preferences or interests and to deliver to that individual, or his/her computer, smartphone or tablet, advertising based on his/her assumed preference or interest inferred from the collection of data pertaining to that individual or others who may have a similar profile or similar interests.

We work with a variety of third parties, such as ADARA, to attempt to understand the profiles of the individuals who are most likely to be interested in visiting San Francisco so that we can serve our advertisements to them on websites, 社交媒体渠道和其他合作伙伴网站和实体. 这些第三方包括(a)广告网络, which collect information about a person’s interests when that person views or interacts with one of their advertisements; (2) attribution partners, which measure the effectiveness of certain advertisements; and (3) business partners, which collect information when a person views or interacts with one of their advertisements.

In collaboration with these third parties, we collect information about our customers, prospects and other individuals over time and across different platforms when they use these platforms or interact with them. 个人可以直接在我们的网站上提交信息, 社交渠道或第三方运营的平台, or by interacting with us, our advertisements, 或者他们从我们或第三方收到的电子邮件. 我们可能会使用通常用于此目的的特殊工具, such as cookies, 灯塔, 像素, 标签, mobile advertising IDs, flash cookies, and similar technologies. 我们可以访问由我们的业务合作伙伴收集的信息数据库.

The information we or third party collect enables us to learn what engagements with San Francisco content the person made, what ads or content the person sees, on which ads or links the person clicks, 以及用户在我们网站上的其他行为, social properties, or in response to our emails, 或在访问或使用第三方平台时.
More information on ADARA’s cookie: ADARA's cookie collects information about your travel activities and preferences that allows sftravel.Com和/或经批准的第三方公司通过个性化的, 当你浏览其他网站和社交媒体平台时,相关的广告, and through ADARA analytics services. 您可以了解更多关于ADARA的信息并选择退出

Online and In-Person Purchases

SF Travel contracts Tiqets International B.V., a private-label 预订 engine, to provide online reservations and ticketing transactions through links on our website. 我们还与其他提供商(如Booking)签订合同.在其他数字平台上提供网上预订服务. When you make a reservation or purchase tickets through one of these 预订 providers, they will provide the hotel, attraction or other partner with a limited amount of information provided voluntarily by you (including credit card information, when applicable) for the express purpose of placing and confirming your reservation or ticket purchase with the designated provider. Your data is transmitted via an encrypted message (SSL) and will not be sold or otherwise released to any third party. 欲了解更多关于Tiqets国际B的信息.V.. privacy policy visit For more information about and their privacy policy visit
When you make in-person purchases, 比如在我们的游客信息中心做的, we may need to provide information to service providers in order to fulfill the purchase request. Only information you voluntarily provide for the purposes of the transaction will be processed.

Business to Business 

Some of the services we offer require you to provide personal information or information about your company. In order to access these services, such as for RFPs and other B2B applications, 您将被要求提供贝博体彩, which may include name, email address, 业务地址和具体的服务需求.  

Service Providers

我们与提供网站的第三方服务提供商合作, application development, 举办, maintenance, and other services for us. These third parties may have access to, or process non-personal and personal data as part of providing those services for us. We limit the information provided to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and our contracts with them require them to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

Social 媒体

如果你用Facebook Connect创建了一个账户, we have access to any information you have made public on your profile and may collect and store that information. Similarly, if you have made public posts from your other social media accounts that include our specialized hash标签, 我们可能会收集并使用这些信息来更多地了解您.

Online Forms & 电子邮件

顺丰旅游不收集个人身份信息,如姓名, address, telephone number, 等. 除非你自愿提供信息. We may ask for personal information so that we can tailor the interactive features of our website to your specific interests and provide information you have requested such as Visitor Planning Guides and 电子邮件 Newsletters. 

Promotions, Contests and Sweepstakes

如果顺丰旅游进行促销活动, 比赛, or sweepstakes, information we collect will be used consistent with the terms and conditions outlined in the rules and regulations. 如果促销活动涉及收集您的手机号码, a check-box will be provided to opt-in to receiving automated text messages during the promotion and once the promotion has ended, and you need only text “stop” in reply to any message you receive in order to opt-out. 您不需要提供您的手机号码为任何折扣或优惠券. Coupons or other special offers we provide you via text message may also be acquired through an email address by sending an email to [email protected] with “coupon” in the subject line. 

Any personal information you provide will not be sold to outside companies or organizations. 然而, 我们可能会与主要业务伙伴共享您的信息, marketing partners and affiliates, who may perform functions on our behalf, 谁可能有我们认为您感兴趣的产品和服务, if you provide us permission to do so. We have contractual relationships with partners and affiliates that require them to safeguard your information and comply with US law, 这包括允许你轻松地选择退出任何未来的通信. 

If you would like us to delete all of your personal information (except for information that we keep for record-keeping purposes) and/or remove your name and address from promotional lists (including any personal information gathered by our service providers) and place your name on our “do not contact” list, contact us at [email protected] 并向我们提供您所需要的详细信息.  We will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete your information from our active files. Please note that requests to update your personal information may take up to 10 business days.

We may release personal information if we believe in good faith that: the law or legal process requires it; we have received a valid administrative request from a law enforcement agency; or such release is necessary to protect our rights, 财产, or safety, or that of our respective staff, affiliates, business partners, customers, or others.

The Policies

我们尽商业上合理的努力遵守州的规定, federal and international laws, 例如下面几节中包含的那些.

Do Not Track Policy

California law requires that operators of websites and online services disclose how they respond to a Do Not Track signal. 一些浏览器已经整合了“禁止跟踪”功能. Most of these features, when turned on, 向用户访问的网站或在线服务发送信号或偏好, 表明用户不希望被跟踪. Because there is not yet a common understanding of how to interpret Do Not Track signals, 我们目前不响应禁止跟踪信号. We continue to follow the industry and will implement this service once a common understanding of how to treat Do Not Track signals is defined.

Data Privacy

Many locations now have laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 以及加州消费者隐私法(CCPA), 管理其公民或居民的数据隐私. 如果您希望查阅或修改我们持有的有关您的任何个人资料, or to request that we delete or transfer any information about you that we have obtained through our website or digital platforms, you may contact us at [email protected] 以“资料私隐要求”为题. At your request, 我们将在我们的数据库中删除或屏蔽任何与您有关的信息, except in those cases were other legal basis exists to retain the personal information. Please note that while any changes you make will be reflected in active user databases within a reasonable period of time, 我们可能会保留您提交的所有信息,以防止欺诈和滥用, analytics, satisfaction of legal obligations, 或者我们有理由相信我们有合法的理由这样做. At any time, 您可以反对处理您的个人资料, on legitimate grounds, 除非适用法律另有许可. If you believe your right to privacy granted by applicable data protection laws has been infringed upon, please contact our COO, Paul Frentsos, at [email protected].  您还有权向数据保护机构提出投诉. This provision does not apply to personal data that is part of our B2B client database. In this case, the management of our client data is subject to the terms of service for our business division and request for access, correction or deletion should be made to the account manager responsible for maintaining your client relationship.

电子邮件 Communication Opt-Out

You can opt-out of email communications from us at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email you receive from us, by sending an e-mail to [email protected] that contains the email address you wish us to unsubscribe from our lists or by sending a written letter to us at the following address:

San Francisco Travel Association
Attn: Marketing Services Department
One Front Street, Suite 2900
San Francisco, CA 94111

Minors and Children’s Privacy

保护幼儿的隐私尤为重要. 我们的网站和数字资产不针对18岁以下的儿童, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 18 without obtaining parental consent. If we learn that personal data has been collected from persons under 18 years of age and without verifiable parental consent, 然后我们将采取适当的步骤删除这些信息. If you are a parent or guardian and discover that your child under 18 years of age has shared their personal information with the SF Travel then you may alert us at [email protected] 并要求我们从系统中删除您孩子的个人数据.

The Additional Notes

Information Accuracy

当我们提供到其他网站的链接时,一旦您离开 website, you will be going to sites that are beyond our control and you are subject to the privacy policy of that site. SF Travel is neither responsible for nor guarantees the content or accuracy of any member pages or other sites linked to or referenced from this website. Although SF Travel tries our best to keep our website and other digital properties up-to-date, information such as website addresses, event and attraction details, ticket prices, hotel information, room rates, special promotions, driving distances, current weather information, 等. may change and therefore may not be accurate. If you are concerned, please call the business directly to confirm the accuracy of the information. In addition, member businesses and other sites that we link to may have their own privacy policies, or no privacy policies at all. SF Travel is not responsible for the privacy practices employed by other sites and those other sites have not agreed to our privacy policy. SF Travel has no control over or responsibility for any unaffiliated third-party sites or the content contained in them, 我们提供这些链接仅仅是为了方便我们的网站访问者.

Site Security 

我们采取合理和适当的安全措施,以防止未经授权的访问, alteration or destruction of data located on and collected by our website and other digital properties. 我们会合理谨慎地保护您的非公开个人信息. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. 同时我们努力保护您的非公开个人信息, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us or receive from us while it is in transit. Once we receive your personal information, we maintain physical, 电子和程序保障措施来保护它.

Policy Changes 

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, 修改, add or remove any portion of this privacy policy and terms of use in whole or in part, at any time. By using this website and the SF Travel digital properties you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit the page to determine the then current terms of use to which you are bound.


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